足穂氏、アメリカに上陸す(2) ― 2018年01月12日 23時43分59秒
夜景画の黄いろい窓からもれるギターを聞いていると 時計のネジがとける音がして 向うからキネオラマの大きなお月様が昇り出した
地から一メートル離れた所にとまると その中からオペラハットをかむった人が出てきて ひらりと飛び下りた オヤ! と見ているうちに タバコに火をつけて そのまま並木道を進んで行く ついてゆくと 路上に落ちている木々の影がたいそう面白い形をしていた そのほうに気を取られたすきに すぐ先を歩いていた人がなくなった 耳をすましたが 靴音らしいものはいっこうに聞えなかった 元の場所へ引きかえしてくると お月様もいつのまにか空高く昇って静かな夜風に風車がハタハタと廻っていた
I was listening to the strains of a guitar escape through a yellow window in a painting of the night when I heard the uncoiling spring of a clock From across the way a magnificent dioramic Mr. Moon arose.
It halted at a spot one meter off the ground whereupon a man appeared from within wearing an opera hat and nimbly leapt out Wow! While I was watching he lit a cigarette and walked along the boulevard As I followed him the shadows of trees cast fascinating patterns on the pavement In the instant that my attention was diverted that man walking just ahead of me disappeared I listened intently but could hear nothing resembling the sound of footsteps Returning to the place where I started before I knew it Mr. Moon was climbing high as the pinwheels spinned and flittered in the evening breeze
I was listening to the strains of a guitar escape through a yellow window in a painting of the night when I heard the uncoiling spring of a clock From across the way a magnificent dioramic Mr. Moon arose.
It halted at a spot one meter off the ground whereupon a man appeared from within wearing an opera hat and nimbly leapt out Wow! While I was watching he lit a cigarette and walked along the boulevard As I followed him the shadows of trees cast fascinating patterns on the pavement In the instant that my attention was diverted that man walking just ahead of me disappeared I listened intently but could hear nothing resembling the sound of footsteps Returning to the place where I started before I knew it Mr. Moon was climbing high as the pinwheels spinned and flittered in the evening breeze
――なに なんだって?
――Whadya say?
――Say whadya mean?
――Whadya say?
――Say whadya mean?
ある晩 黒猫をつかまえて鋏でしっぽを切るとパチン!と黄いろい煙になってしまった頭の上でキャッ!という声がした 窓をあけると、 尾のないホーキ星が逃げて行くのが見えた
One evening I caught hold of a black cat and with a scissors cut off its tail Snip! As it turned into yellow smoke from overhead came a screech! When I opened the window a tailless comet could be seen making a getaway
One evening I caught hold of a black cat and with a scissors cut off its tail Snip! As it turned into yellow smoke from overhead came a screech! When I opened the window a tailless comet could be seen making a getaway
ある晩露台に白ッぽいものが落ちていた 口へ入れると 冷たくてカルシュームみたいな味がした
何だろうと考えていると だしぬけに街上へ突き落された とたん 口の中から星のようなものがとび出して 尾をひいて屋根のむこうへ見えなくなってしまった
自分が敷石の上に起きた時 黄いろい窓が月下にカラカラとあざ笑っていた
One evening a whitish substance was falling onto the veranda When I put it in my mouth it had a cool milky flavor I was wondering what it could be when all of a sudden I was shoved down onto the pavement Just then a starlike object flew out of my mouth dragged its tail over the rooftops and disappeared without a trace
When I got up from the pavement a yellow window was laughing with scorn in the moonlight
One evening a whitish substance was falling onto the veranda When I put it in my mouth it had a cool milky flavor I was wondering what it could be when all of a sudden I was shoved down onto the pavement Just then a starlike object flew out of my mouth dragged its tail over the rooftops and disappeared without a trace
When I got up from the pavement a yellow window was laughing with scorn in the moonlight
ちなみに、この翻訳を手がけ、収録作品の選定も行ったTricia Vitaさんは、巻末の訳者紹介によれば、以下のような経歴の方だそうです。
「Tricia Vitaは京都で3年間暮らした。これまで日本の集英社で文学スカウト〔新人発掘担当者〕として、またニューヨークにある日本美術ギャラリーで翻訳家として勤務。その小説・記事・評論は、「Ms.」、「Art&Antiques」、「New Art Examiner」の各誌に掲載され、童話作品『婦人用10人乗り自転車(The Ten-Woman Bicycle)』は、イギリス・オランダ・スウェーデンの各国で出版された。彼女が手掛けた日本語からの翻訳作品として、本書は最初の単行本である。」